Saturday, June 12, 2010

Vox is "a woman" with Yasmina Filali and Maite Kelly

Cologne - After a few weeks is the ambitious project "woman" on Vox at the end! The transmitter takes the Vox Talk format was launched only in late October because of poor rates from the program. From Monday, the station changes again its programming in the afternoon. Unfortunately, the audience response was in the past four weeks did not increase, said spokeswoman Corinne Vox Teune.
Vox had on 26 October, a new afternoon program started. 15 clock ran "The Celebrity Ready Steady Cook" and at 15.30 clock in the magazine "Prominent!". This was followed Monday to Friday at 16 "woman." By 9 November was the format then reduced to half an hour and set to clock 16.30. In addition, the network had taken nurz wei weeks after the launch "The Celebrity Ready Steady Cook" from the afternoon program.
As of Monday is now of 16.30 bis 18 clock the documentary "People, animals and doctors to see." Prior to running the clock by 15 series "Gilmore Girls" and 16 clock in the magazine "Prominent!".
"Woman" was announced by Vox as "the first woman talk daily on German television." This actress Yasmina Filali discuss move, a TV presenter Bettina Boettinger, journalist Evelyn Holst, singer Maite Kelly, author Hatice Akyün, "love expert" Birgit Ehrenberg and actress Martina Brandl on issues, "the women". A prominent guest supplements the daily talk and asks for questions from the hosts.
All seven women and the production team had put a lot of personal commitment and passion in the project to establish this internationally successful format in Germany, Teune said. The audience had rejected the program significantly. "When new ideas do not work, then of course that is painful. But it's worse, zuhaben no ideas. We will therefore continue to try new things, even at the risk that can not be any attempt a hit," sagteTeuner.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Maria Riesch is Slalom World Champion

Val d'Isère - At last the longed-for world championship gold for Maria Riesch! The skier from SC Partenkirchen is the first German slalom world champion in 33 years.
Following the disappointing results of the previous week Riesch went on Saturday in the French Val d'Isère, with a courageous second run of sixth place in front of one. The fact that it gave equal nochzur Golden made the last day of World Cup Partenkirchenerinperfekt. "Madness, I would have myself no longer möglichgehalten. I am world champion, this is the bomb," said Riesch, who had 77 / 100 seconds over the Czech Sarka Záhrobská. Tanja Poutiainen third was from Finland.
"It was high class sporting what they showed," enthused, the German Alpine Chef Wolfgang Maier. But even eigentlichfehlten him the words to the performance of his Stehauffrau. The pressure was ganzgroße by the team through the World Championship title by Kathrin Hölzl fallen off, now it was enough thanks Riesch first time in 16 Jahrenwieder to two world champions in a title fight.
"The warüberdimensional good for us," said Maier. Fanny Chmelar (Partenkirchen) with her best slalom result as a world champion Kathrin Hölzl Eighth undRiesenslalom 18th rounded out the guteTeamergebnis the German Ski Federation (DSV from), but that did imgroßen jubilation around the slalom world champion no longer relevant.
The fact that the first German world champion slalom since 1976 RosiMittermaier Vonnprofitierte in Innsbruck - at that time was one Olympic gold alsWM title - also from the failure of the leading Italian ManuelaMölgg pitch and behind their ski-girlfriend Lindsey could not diminish her pride.
"It was not durchGlück or chance. I have a good second run and beat DieAndere have shown nerves," said Riesch. The 24-year-old had joined with hattesich roommate Hölzl in the joint World Cup Stubeauf their last World Cup competition. Valentine's Day flowers got Riescham of Nicolas Sarkozy - France Staatspräsidentüberreichte Riesch won the bunch.
Also of Interest
Gold-Marie will win the World Cup slalom