Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sun is clammy Fortuna

Dusseldorf - Giant in the euphoria after the second division promotion Fortuna. The big problem: The club is mighty damp, the gigantic expectations, however.
Düsseldorf that dreams of golden ages and the passage of football in the Bundesliga.
                                                                    But for the necessary reinforcements Fortuna missing in the puny 4.5-million budget the funds. Sponsors met at the last minute, the DFL-edition of a two-million-euro guarantee to licensing.
As a new second division does not receive the Düsseldorf 4.5 million TV money, but because of the distribution only 3.7 million. And 30 percent of them go, rich 1.1 million (!) To Kölmel and his "sport" - only 2.6 million remain. In addition: The climb was really expensive.
Augsburg replaced when changing the negotiated lookup of 150,000 € for Axel Lawaree, Mainz for 130 000 Ranisav Jovanovic, added premiums come from about 300 000 €.
Makes a 580 000 €. In addition to increasing the salaries of all players (Melka, Lawaree, Christian, Hampel, Cakir) whose contracts extended through the second division comeback.
"We had some professionals, we wanted to make because of their salary already backed down," admitted coach Norbert Meier. As with Kaiserslautern's left-back Alexander Bugera (30), in which the claims were very pale in Düsseldorf ...
She is in charge will not be expeditiously more sponsors, can Fortuna transfers that enhance the quality of cadres, abschminken. This is short term with the millions of Daniel Jammer.
The entrepreneur wants to bring the four national Fransman, Cohen, Shechter and Zapata, and Lothar Matthäus install as a sports director. Fortune seems to have no choice if the passage is to be taken in the Bundesliga next season already addressed.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Pyromaniac Jens H. (17) accused the right train

Siegburg -
Nothing pointed to this tragedy ... Three days ago, confessed Jens H. (17), the series of fires in Siegburg. To the police he was open had been resolved. Now the high school student is dead - suicide! Thursday at 22.30 clock Jens H. was in Sankt Augustin-Buisdorf collected from regional 4884 and killed. The train driver saw the tracks, "something white" - because it was already too late ...
Jens' suicide: He makes all stunned. Even the investigators. Them to the students who admitted on Wednesday for 29 fires (mostly trash) in Siegburg downtown area to be responsible (EXPRESS) reported.
The psychologist says
Psychologist Michael Thiel: "He was mentally unstable, even sick. The reports of his fire attacks gave him an attention he had so never. When it was caught, him - though rather doubtful - meaning in life was taken. This led to suicide. "
After the confession was the 17-year-old leave. Grounds for detention, such as risk of flight were not available. Jens lived with his parents.
But he was clearly pyromaniac who laid under duress fire. Therefore, he was examined on the same day in a psychiatric clinic in Bonn, to which gave the police the contact. His parents were there.
Results: The high school student should be treated in the future, but only an outpatient basis. Jens was able to return home - a few hours later he killed himself. Twelve days before his 18th Birthday.
Mourning. Even with the members of the carnival society "sparks of blue and white". Jens danced there for three years, his entire family is active. "He felt comfortable with us very much," Sparks told President Ferdinand Büchel softly. "For us as a society that is a tragic loss. I am personally very concerned. "
A thought many torments: Had Jens can be saved? The Bonn prosecutor sees no reason at this stage, investigations, take for instance doctors against the psycho clinic. "The facts of the suicide is examined," said prosecutor Fred Apostel. But that was routine.
Jens' family, including his two younger siblings, pastoral care.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Greens want to document

Bonn -
In terms of WCCB all parties now want to quickly bring light into the darkness as possible.
Nils Kassebohm, legal counsel of ex-project manager Evi Zwiebler: "We hope that we get short-term access to the file and then clear up everything."
Volkmar flour, lawyer of ex-Mayor Baerbel Dieckmann, said: "I am sure that we can create a suspicion in the near future from the world."
FDP leader Werner Hümmrich calls in terms of WCCB an inquiry. Whether it has something in the federal city even existed before, could not at City Hall yesterday to answer.
Learn More
Investigations against Dieckmann - attorney shoots back
Infidelity? Investigations against Bärbel Dieckmann
Meanwhile, the Greens make further pressure on the OB. In one of Tom Schmidt, Dorothee Pass-wine Gartz and Peter Finger, signed letter to Nimptsch states
"Last Friday you had told us that the interim reports were submitted to us as intended, because the prosecutor had urged not to do so. This account is rejected by the prosecution. How could this information spread, and why are the reports so far are still not available? "

Greens want to document

Bonn -
In terms of WCCB all parties now want to quickly bring light into the darkness as possible.
Nils Kassebohm, legal counsel of ex-project manager Evi Zwiebler: "We hope that we get short-term access to the file and then clear up everything."
Volkmar flour, lawyer of ex-Mayor Baerbel Dieckmann, said: "I am sure that we can create a suspicion in the near future from the world."
FDP leader Werner Hümmrich calls in terms of WCCB an inquiry. Whether it has something in the federal city even existed before, could not at City Hall yesterday to answer.
Learn More
Investigations against Dieckmann - attorney shoots back
Infidelity? Investigations against Bärbel Dieckmann
Meanwhile, the Greens make further pressure on the OB. In one of Tom Schmidt, Dorothee Pass-wine Gartz and Peter Finger, signed letter to Nimptsch states
"Last Friday you had told us that the interim reports were submitted to us as intended, because the prosecutor had urged not to do so. This account is rejected by the prosecution. How could this information spread, and why are the reports so far are still not available? "

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Schalke have 136.5 million euro debt

Gelsenkirchen - Annual General Meeting at Schalke. In addition to thunderous applause for new coach Felix Magath meant, above all numbers on the table. And they are frightening ...
President and CFO Joseph Schnusenberg: "The liabilities are annoying, but manageable." You can say so ... 136.5 million euros manageable debt burden on the miners?
Schnusenberg added: "We have established good business sense, otherwise, all reports are false." After a disappointing year, the Royal Blues sport must continue to save.
Thus, the cost of the Licensed cadres by a whopping eight million euros are to be scaled down. New Budget: approximately 48 million.
Since S04 is not qualified for a European Cup, expect those in charge in the coming year with a loss of ten million. This year at least, was still a "solid increase" of 464,391 euros on the paper (last year): almost 13 million euro profit.
But the mood of optimism on Schlake did not detract from it all. Supervisory board chairman Clemens Thönnies: "We will get this bowl, which has Felix ersprochen us for the next four years. But, dear members, Bring us around, if it is only in its fourth year."
Read also: Cup: plays Windeck in Cologne v Schalke> Manuel Neuer - the new Titan> Magath is Schalke on its head>

Thursday, May 6, 2010

We snap you out of the light

Cologne - A lighted reindeer, lights, nets and hoses, a colorful Santa Claus: changed every year during Advent Heinz Pospieszala his home in Cologne-Heimersdorf into a sea of lights.
But this year has clouded the joy of colorful spectacle: The 58-year-old has received an anonymous threatening letter from the so-called "climate savers. He was to turn the Christmas lights - someone else will do for him.
The sender of the one-letter: "The 'where the climate is not matter." The charge: Mr. Pospieszala acting "irresponsible" because he "let the lights burn all night." He should not be 'house, but rather to enlighten the future of his children. "
Of early retirees is outraged: "The burning lamps from 16.30 until 23.30 clock, or not! Moreover, it is simply a tradition, moreover, also makes others happy: stay in front of our house are often pedestrians! "
The letter from the global warming has found the 21-year-old son of Pospieszalas on Friday at the car of the family. "I immediately went to the police," says Pospieszala. "But can not do anything - there is still nothing happened."
 Naughty: The author of the letter has a logo of the big city of Cologne printed on the threatening letter. From the City's letter did not come, "Here someone has abused our logo," says Juergen rubbish dump by the Press Office of the City of Cologne. "We now consider whether we may find criminal charges against persons unknown."
Heinz Pospieszala fears that vehement Klimaschützer now could actually destroy his lamps. His house less voluntarily come to light for him but not in question: "The lights stay!"