Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Greens want to document

Bonn -
In terms of WCCB all parties now want to quickly bring light into the darkness as possible.
Nils Kassebohm, legal counsel of ex-project manager Evi Zwiebler: "We hope that we get short-term access to the file and then clear up everything."
Volkmar flour, lawyer of ex-Mayor Baerbel Dieckmann, said: "I am sure that we can create a suspicion in the near future from the world."
FDP leader Werner Hümmrich calls in terms of WCCB an inquiry. Whether it has something in the federal city even existed before, could not at City Hall yesterday to answer.
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Investigations against Dieckmann - attorney shoots back
Infidelity? Investigations against Bärbel Dieckmann
Meanwhile, the Greens make further pressure on the OB. In one of Tom Schmidt, Dorothee Pass-wine Gartz and Peter Finger, signed letter to Nimptsch states
"Last Friday you had told us that the interim reports were submitted to us as intended, because the prosecutor had urged not to do so. This account is rejected by the prosecution. How could this information spread, and why are the reports so far are still not available? "