Monday, May 24, 2010

Pyromaniac Jens H. (17) accused the right train

Siegburg -
Nothing pointed to this tragedy ... Three days ago, confessed Jens H. (17), the series of fires in Siegburg. To the police he was open had been resolved. Now the high school student is dead - suicide! Thursday at 22.30 clock Jens H. was in Sankt Augustin-Buisdorf collected from regional 4884 and killed. The train driver saw the tracks, "something white" - because it was already too late ...
Jens' suicide: He makes all stunned. Even the investigators. Them to the students who admitted on Wednesday for 29 fires (mostly trash) in Siegburg downtown area to be responsible (EXPRESS) reported.
The psychologist says
Psychologist Michael Thiel: "He was mentally unstable, even sick. The reports of his fire attacks gave him an attention he had so never. When it was caught, him - though rather doubtful - meaning in life was taken. This led to suicide. "
After the confession was the 17-year-old leave. Grounds for detention, such as risk of flight were not available. Jens lived with his parents.
But he was clearly pyromaniac who laid under duress fire. Therefore, he was examined on the same day in a psychiatric clinic in Bonn, to which gave the police the contact. His parents were there.
Results: The high school student should be treated in the future, but only an outpatient basis. Jens was able to return home - a few hours later he killed himself. Twelve days before his 18th Birthday.
Mourning. Even with the members of the carnival society "sparks of blue and white". Jens danced there for three years, his entire family is active. "He felt comfortable with us very much," Sparks told President Ferdinand Büchel softly. "For us as a society that is a tragic loss. I am personally very concerned. "
A thought many torments: Had Jens can be saved? The Bonn prosecutor sees no reason at this stage, investigations, take for instance doctors against the psycho clinic. "The facts of the suicide is examined," said prosecutor Fred Apostel. But that was routine.
Jens' family, including his two younger siblings, pastoral care.