Friday, April 30, 2010

Werner sounds the alarm - descent-budget!

Dusseldorf - The competition cheerfully reports a new addition to the next, but at Fortuna - Wrong!
13 days before training start is still not a single reinforcement there. Background: The Düsseldorf are so numb that they can pay the usual wages in the second division is not nearly.
Since sums are paid, which for us are far beyond our capabilities, "managers must admit Wolf Werner. By professionals, the transfer time to mention cost. During the talks, the sports management team has brought some bloody noses, the desired players from waving, do not kick for small change.
Now Werner sounds the alarm! "Our budget, which is currently at around 4.8 million euros is way too low! Since we are quite far behind. One of the second division, which have gone up, had a budget of 22 million. The only way to compare times. "
The whole thing has fatal consequences. Werner: "We urgently need four professionals who are now in a position to intervene to bring us right to the front. If the budget does not, at least one million, if not increased, even 1.5, we can not achieve our goal of establishing ourselves. Then we stick from the start in the basement. "
The climbers with a descent budget! In Werner makes himself huge disappointment broadly: "So many have told us that they enter, if we seize the rise. But there's nothing to see. It might for Fortune's image of the state capital to do so much if we could enrich the Second Division with a decent and competitive squad. "Financially Fortuna is still third-class ...