Monday, April 12, 2010

Young (2) drowning in garden ponds

Düren - He might only be two years old. Now the happy little boy with the blond hair dead drowned in his own garden, when his mother briefly lost sight of.
It is every parent's nightmare - in yards near Düren, a small town, it happened.
W. Tobias (name changed) had played in fine weather in his parents' garden, his mother had him put on a sun hat.
But then she just went briefly into the house - time enough for the shrimp to walk to the pond to unhedged. There he fell in headfirst.
When the mother came back into the garden had disappeared, her little darling. She ran to the pond - and saw to drive the little body in the water.
She took her son immediately from the water, trying to ventilate him and alerted medical assistance which arrived shortly thereafter. Tobias was revived and taken to the pediatric ward. There, the doctors struggled in vain for his life.
The little boy died. The police only found out hours later from the accident, and now the prosecutor determines whether the mother is to blame.
Police warns, pond owners should protect the waters with a fence. For each year, an accident in the Rhineland, some 20 children in ponds.